The authority of the preaching of the Crucified Christ in 1Cor 1,18-25




Paul, 1Corinthians, Cross, Wisdon, Signals, Pastoral, Authority


The theme of the Christ’s Cross, or the Crucified, remains a delicate subject among Christians in general. Some prefer to base their Christology on a triumphalist aspect, that is, on the risen Christ; however, others focus their reflection from the perspective of staurology, that is, from the Cross. This study focuses on the latter perspective. Its aim is to offer a theological reflection, grounded in the Holy Scripture, starting from the cross of Christ and under the perspective of the authority it confers upon Christian preaching. As the first step of this work, an exegetical analysis of 1Cor 1,18-25 is conducted, providing the Greek text and translation, using some stages of the Historical-Critical Method, so that by approaching the biblical text, we can identify elements that enrich the reflection biblical-theological. Following this, based on the exegesis conducted, a trajectory of the presence of the theme of the cross from the early Church to the present day is offered. Through an approach that considers the history of the effects of the text, the cross of Christ is analyzed, presenting it as an ecclesial hallmark throughout history, as well as the Crucified as the one who confers authority upon the proclamation of the Church. It also reflects on the pastoral action of the Church based on the message of the Crucified Christ, which is a scandal and folly to some but is, in truth, salvation for humanity.

Author Biography

Marcelo Lessa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Mestrando em Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Bacharel em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). E-mail:, Currículo Lattes: e ORCID ID:

