Escatologia e Ética social cristã na tradição Paulina em Ef 6,5.


  • Pedro Paulo Alves dos Santos Seminário São José



Ética Paulina, Escatologia, Servidão na antiguidade cristã, eclesiologia paulina e Tradição paulina.


The current article intends to explore an intriguing question of the Letter to the Ephesians, as we find it formulated in 6.5: 'servants, submit yourselves to carnal masters'. The expression 'to submit' seems to point to a mere continuity of the 'social status quaestionis’ of the Greco-Roman context of slavery or servitude. Submission that would exclude a change in social relations between Christians converted to Pauline Christianity in Ephesus and the prevailing Greco-Roman laws, customs and social order? Therefore, it is a matter of early Christian ethics. However, the theological context of Pauline literature implies a dialectic, which is explained in the form of an intricate comprehensive system. Christology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology and Ethics, family and social would have their strict understanding in the light of the Pauline eschatological doctrine. If so, Paul's orientation would not go through the mere reproduction of conformation to 'carnal lords', but a 'new' social order based on the consummation of human society would still exist? In addition, chap. 5-6 can be seen as 'familiar codes, already with 'new' roles within the Church and which could be seen as an eschatological 'epiphany' of a 'other' social order, a 'sui generis' form of social revolution?






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