A The law about the fringe and its function in Num 15,37-41


  • Marcela Torres PUC-RJ
  • Leonardo Agostini Fernandes




Book of Numbers, Commandments, Obedience, Ornament, Consecration


The book of Numbers seems not to have been an object of interest to exegetes and theologians. The low rate of comments and articles attests to this perception. However, in the last thirty years this trend has been changing. Even so, the articles are still scarce and, many times, concentrated in specific pericopes, as is the case of Nm 6:22-27. Within this perspective, the present study wants to offer a contribution. The analysis of Nm 15:37-41, centered on the fringe law instituted by YHWH and on its triple function, is developed in five parts: Introduction, (1) Translation and textual criticism notes, (2) Delimitation, structure and genre literary, (3) Commentary and Conclusion. Diachronic and synchronic approaches were applied to the text in order to achieve better results, among which the role of Nm 15:37-41 in the contextual dynamics of both the book of Numbers and the Torah stands out. It is evident that obedience to YHWH and his commandments, through the use of the blue-violet thread on the hem of their garments, allows the conjugation of the senses and reason, generating the criterion for distinguishing the children of Israel from other peoples.

