Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Submission guidelines
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As part of the submission process, authors are required to make sure the submission is in compliance with all the following items. The submissions that do not adhere to the requirements listed in the guideline will be returned to the authors:
-The submitted manuscript is, under its journal scope and guidelines, original and has neither been published nor is it under evaluation process before another journal for consideration to be published.
-The submitted manuscript is in Microsoft Word file format.
-When available, the URLs were listed.
-The text is single-spaced, size 11, uses italics instead of underlining (expect for URL); the figures and tables are inserted in the body of the text rather than annexed at the end of the document.
-The text adheres to the style standards as well as the bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author’s Guidelines found at “About - Submissions“.
Author’s Guidelines
The manuscripts submitted to the ReBiblica journal, even after having been evaluated, reviewed and published, are entirely the authors' responsibility.
The researches may have been authored by one who holds either a Master’s or Doctor’s degree, and/or co-authored; Master’s students may only submit manuscripts in co-authorship with Doctors.
The manuscript must be unpublished and may either be original researches or review papers. In case of plagiarism, the author must publicly retract it in the following journal issue.
Once the manuscript, be it an article or a review, has been submitted to ReBiblica, it must not be simultaneously submitted to any other journal, which may only happen in case the manuscript has been returned by ReBiblica or the author explicitly gave up publishing it.
The submissions and further information on the evaluation process, review and publishing of the manuscripts will be held at the journal website For further information, please contact us through the following email address <>.
In ReBiblica we publish theology scientific texts that comply with its scope and aims as long as they have been approved in the submission process which goes through pre-evaluation, peer review and either the editor's or the editorial Committee member’s final written opinions.
The submissions must contain: 8 to 12 pages, in case of articles; 2 to 5 pages, in case of reviews which must be of works published in the last five years.
The title, abstract, keywords, the text body, bibliographical references and author’s information are included in the text length aforementioned.
The paper size must be A4.
The margin properties of the text must be: top and bottom 3.0 cm; left and right 2.5 cm.
Single space between lines, 0 cm before and after each paragraph which must have 1.0 cm indented in the first line (indentation).
Font type must be Times New Roman, size 11 in the body of the text and size 9 for the footnotes.
Long quotations (three or more lines) must be size 10, should be placed without quotation marks, with 1.0 cm indent to the left.
For specific font of words or quotations either in Greek or Hebrew, contact the journal secretary to check the fonts used by the journal.
The title and in case there is a subtitle must be both aligned to the right, in Times New Roman boldfaced type, title size 18 and subtitle size 16.
Title and subtitle must be separated by semicolon (:).
The review title is the complete reference of the analysed work which must be aligned to the right.
After the title and subtitle are written in the original language of the article (which may be Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, German or Italian), they must be translated into English (in case it is not the original language). In case the original language is English, it is expected the title and subtitle to be translated into Portuguese.
The name of the author of the manuscript, be it an article or a review, will be shown twice: at the beginning of the text, below the title-subtitle, aligned to the right, in Times New Roman, size 12; and also at the end of the text, aligned to the right, in Times New Roman boldfaced italicized, size 12.
The abstract must have 150 to 200 words and maximum 5 keywords.
Both the abstract and the keywords must be translated into English, and in case it is originally in English, it is expected to be translated into Portuguese.
The text body must have: an Introduction; and its headings and subheadings identified by Arabic numbers separated by numbers and dots. For instance: 1. / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.2.1 / 1.2.2 /…At the end of each section skip one line. At the end, conclusion.
Bibliographical references must address every directly or indirectly citation made in the body of the article and should be mentioned in alphabetical order.
After the name of the author at the end of the text, each piece of the following information should be given in a single line, aligned to the right: the name of the author in bold and italics; the highest author’s title and the corresponding education institution that issued it; the affiliation and role at the institution (in case of co-authorship being a professor and/or researcher); the city, Zip code and the country of the institution to which the author is affiliated; email address for further contact.
The bibliographical references at the footnote and also at the end of the text must be made according to NBR 6023, but with adaptions established at “PUC-Rio Graduation Guidelines” as in the following examples:
General Guidelines for citation
Do not use the expression “cf.” to indicate “confirm”, neither in the body of the text nor in the bibliographical notes. Furthermore, do not use the expressions “Idem”, “Ibidem”, “et seq.” or “sequentia”, “op. cit.”, “passim”, “loc. cit.”, in such cases, provide the repeated and/or complete information.
The first time the citation is made, it is unnecessary to write the reference at its full form in the bibliographical note. Instead, use the abbreviated citation in the bibliographical notes and the complete one only in the bibliographical references.
Use in both the bibliographical notes as well as the bibliographical references, the last name(s) of the author(s), in upper case, followed by the abbreviated name, always in this order.
Regarding the titles and subtitles in the bibliographical references, only the title must be in bold. The subtitle is not boldfaced. The element that divides the title and the subtitle (“:” or “.") must be kept as in the cited work. In the bibliographical notes, indicate only the title without bold.
Bibliographical references:
LIMA, M. L. C. Exegese Bíblica: teoria e prática. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2014.
Bibliographical notes:
LIMA, M. L. C., Exegese Bíblica, p. 53.
Bibliographical references:
AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L. Primeira Carta de João. Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital, 2019.
Bibliographical notes:
AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L. A., Primeira Carta de João, p. 39-50.
Citation of printed works
One author
Bibliographical references:
GONZAGA, W. Compêndio do Cânon Bíblico. Listas bilíngues dos Catálogos Bíblicos. Antigo Testamento, Novo Testamento e Apócrifos. Rio de Janeiro: EdiPUC-Rio; Petrópolis: Vozes, 2019.
Bibliographical notes:
GONZAGA, W., Compêndio do Cânon Bíblico, p. 19.
Two or three authors
Bibliographical references:
DILLMANN, R.; MORA PAZ, C. Comentario al Evangelho de Lucas. Navarra: Verbo Divino, 2006.
Bibliographical notes:
DILLMANN, R.; MORA PAZ, C., Comentario al Evangelho de Lucas, p. 56.
Over three authors
Bibliographical references:
MILANI, A. L. et al. Introdução ao Segundo Testamento: eu vim para que todos tenham vida. São Paulo: Paulus, 2007.
Bibliographical notes:
MILANI, A. L. et al., Introdução ao Segundo Testamento.
Bibliographic notes to refer to a specific chapter of the work:
Use the guidelines for book chapter.
Organizer or Publisher
Bibliographic references to indicate the book as a whole:
MAZZAROLO, I.; AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L.; CORRÊA LIMA, M. L. (Ogs.). Exegese, Teologia e Pastoral: relações, tensões e desafios. Rio de Janeiro: EdiPUC-Rio; São Paulo: Academia Cristã, 2015.
Bibliographic notes to refer to the work as a whole:
MAZZAROLO, I.; AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L.; CORRÊA LIMA, M. L. (Orgs.)., Exegese, Teologia e Pastoral.
Bibliographical references for indicating book chapter:
SIMIAN-YOFRE, H. A Bíblia entre leituras e leitura aberta das Sagradas Escrituras. In: MAZZAROLO, I.; AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L.; CORRÊA LIMA, M. L. (Ogs.). Exegese, Teologia e Pastoral: relações, tensões e desafios. Rio de Janeiro: EdiPUC-Rio; São Paulo: Academia Cristã, 2015. p. 13-32.
Bibliographical notes:
SIMIAN-YOFRE, H., A Bíblia entre leituras e leitura aberta das Sagradas Escrituras, p. 15-29.
Over one publisher
Bibliographical references:
GUEDES, J. O. O. O Administrador injusto em Lc 16,1-8a. Misericordioso para receber misericórdia. In: AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L. (Org.). Traços da Misericórdia de Deus segundo Lucas. Santo André: Academia Cristã; Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio, 2016. p. 113-127.
Bibliographical notes:
GUEDES, J. O. O., O Administrador injusto em Lc 16,1-8a, p. 116.
Bibliographical references:
LIMA, M. L. C. Mensageiros de Deus: profetas e profecias no Antigo Israel. Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio; São Paulo: Editora Reflexão, 2012.
Bibliographical notes:
LIMA, L. C., Mensageiro de Deus, p. 53.
Publishers from the same location
Bibliographical references:
TELLES, A. C.; GONZAGA, W. João Batista: “o maior entre os nascidos de mulheres” (Mt 11,11), Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital/PUC-Rio, 2021.
Bibliographical notes:
TELLES, A. C.; GONZAGA, W., João Batista, p. 36.
Unknown author
Bibliographical references:
IMITAÇÃO de Maria. São Paulo: Cultor de Livros; São Paulo: Editora Cleofas, 2015.
Bibliographical notes:
IMITAÇÃO de Maria, p. 33.
Entity author
Bibliographical references:
CELAM. Puebla: a evangelização no presente e no futuro da América Latina. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1979.
Bibliographical notes:
(indicate the abbreviation and paragraph number)
Ex: DP 14.
Bibliographical references:
CNBB. O Estado que temos e o Estado que queremos. Estado para que e para quem? Brasília: Edições CNBB, 2014.
Bibliographical notes:
CNBB, O Estado que temos e o Estado que queremos, n. 12.
Bibliographical references:
PONTIFÍCIA COMISSÃO BÍBLICA. Inspiração e verdade da Sagrada Escritura: a palavra que vem de Deus e fala de Deus para a salvação do mundo. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2014.
Bibliographical notes:
PONTIFÍCIA COMISSÃO BÍBLICA, Inspiração e verdade da Sagrada Escritura, p. 51.
Uninformed Publisher
Bibliographical references:
FRANCO, I. Discursos: de outubro de 1992 a agosto de 1993. Brasília: [s.n.], 1993.
Bibliographical notes:
FRANCO, I., Discursos, p. 44.
Collection in several volumes
Bibliographical references:
MOUNCE, W. D. Pastoral Epistles. Dallas: Word Incorporated, 2000. (Word Biblical Commentary, 46).
Bibliographical notes:
MOUNCE, W. D., Pastoral Epistles, p. 123.
Bibliographical references:
JOHNSON, L. T. The First and Second Letters to Timothy: a new translation with introduction and commentary. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001. (The Anchor Bible Commentary, 35A).
Bibliographical notes:
JOHNSON, L. T., The First and Second Letters to Timothy, p. 324.
Chapter of a single part of a book
Bibliographical references:
AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L. “O Culto da verdade... ao redor da Palavra de Deus”. In: PORTELLA AMADO, J.; AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L. Evangelii Gaudium em Questão. Aspectos bíblicos, teológicos e pastorais. São Paulo: Paulinas; Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio, 2014. p. 97-116.
Bibliographical notes:
AGOSTINI FERNANDES, L., “O Culto da verdade... ao redor da Palavra de Deus”, p. 112.
Journal articles
Bibliographical references:
UTRINI, H. C. S. Discípulo ou rival? A imagem de Simão Pedro no Quarto Evangelho a partir de Jo 21,1-14. Atualidade Teológica, v. 23, n. 63, p. 606-632, set./dez. 2019. DOI:
Bibliographical notes:
UTRINI, H. C. S., Discípulo ou rival?, p. 612.
Electronic journal articles
Bibliographical references:
KONINGS, J. O processo de Jesus: João relendo o relato sinóptico. Atualidade Teológica, v. 20, n. 54, p. 705-729, set./dez. 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 nov. 2020. DOI:
Bibliographical notes:
KONINGS, J., O processo de Jesus, p. 712-716.
Bibliographical references:
UTRINI, H. C. S. Editorial. Pesquisas em Teologia, v. 3, n. 6, p. 222-227, jul./dez. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 mar. 2021. DOI:
Bibliographical notes:
UTRINI, H. C. S., Editorial, p. 225.
Newspaper articles
Bibliographical references:
BERTONE, T. O Pai-Nosso deve ressoar na vida do cristão. L’Osservatore Romano, Roma, 31 jul. 2010. p. 1.
Bibliographical notes:
BERTONE, T., O Pai-Nosso deve ressoar na vida do cristão, p. 1.
Bibliographical references:
BINGEMER, M. C. L. A desordem que o amor faz. Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 28 fev. 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 jun. 2018.
Bibliographical notes:
BINGEMER, M. C. L., A desordem que o amor faz.
Thesis and dissertations
Bibliographical references:
PERNAMBUCO, M. N. Os textos doxológicos no contexto do livro, em especial relação com Am 1,1; 8,8 e 9,1: a relevância da menção do terremoto na mensagem do livro. Rio de Janeiro, 2012. 116p. Dissertação. Faculdade de Teologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
Bibliographical notes:
PERNAMBUCO, M. N., Os textos doxológicos no contexto do livro, em especial com Am 1,1; 8,9 e 9,1, p. 86-89.
Papers presented at congresses and other academic events
Bibliographical references:
REYNIER, C. Les extensions hymnologiques de l’êptre aux Éphésiens. In: congrés de l’Association catholique française pour l’étude de la Biblie, XXIIe, 2007, Strasbourg. Les hymnes du Nouveau Testament et leurs fonctions. Paris: Cerf, 2009. p. 119-136.
Bibliographical notes:
REYNIER, C., Les extensions hymnologiques de l’êptre aux Éphésiens, p. 128.
Bibliographical references:
VITORIO, J. A teologia socioambiental do profeta Miqueias. In: CONGRESSO DA ANPTECRE; GONZAGA, W. (Org.)., 7., 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais – Religião e Crise Socioambiental. Rio de Janeiro: PUC-Rio, 2019. p. 165-171. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2020.
Bibliographical notes:
VITORIO, J., A teologia socioambiental do profeta Miqueias, p. 168.
Dictionary entry
Bibliographical references:
FABRIS, R. Vangelo. In: ROSSANO, P.; RAVASI, G.; GIRLANDA, A. (Orgs.). Nuovo Dizionario di Teologia Biblica. Cisinello Balsamo: San Paolo, 1988. p. 1620-1639.
Bibliographical notes:
FABRIS, R., Vangelo, p. 1620.
Bibliographical references:
BÍBLIA de Jerusalém. Nova ed. rev. e ampl. 2. impr. São Paulo: Paulus, 2003.
Biblical citation
The following abbreviations are used for the books of the Bible
Old Testament |
Gen |
Genesis |
Song |
Song of Solomon |
Ex |
Exodus |
Wis |
Wisdom |
Lev |
Leviticus |
Sir |
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) |
Num |
Numbers |
Is |
Isaiah |
Deut |
Deuteronomy |
Jer |
Jeremiah |
Josh |
Joshua |
Lam |
Lamentations |
Judg |
Judges |
Bar |
Baruch |
Ruth |
Ruth |
Ezek |
Ezekiel |
1 Sam |
1 Samuel |
Dan |
Daniel |
2 Sam |
2 Samuel |
Hos |
Hosea |
1 Kings |
1 Kings |
Joel |
Joel |
2 Kings |
2 Kings |
Amos |
Amos |
1 Chron |
1 Chronicles |
Obad |
Obadiah |
2 Chron |
2 Chronicles |
Jon |
Jonah |
Ezra |
Ezra |
Mic |
Micah |
Neh |
Nehemiah |
Nahum |
Nahum |
Tob |
Tobit |
Hab |
Habakkuk |
Judg |
Judith |
Zeph |
Zephaniah |
Esther |
Esther |
Hag |
Haggai |
Job |
Job |
Zech |
Zechariah |
Ps |
Psalms |
Mal |
Malachi |
Prov |
Proverbs |
1 Mac |
1 Maccabees |
Eccles |
Ecclesiastes |
2 Mac |
2 Maccabees |
New Testament |
Mt |
Matthew |
1 Tim |
1 Timothy |
Mk |
Mark |
2 Tim |
2 Timothy |
Lk |
Luke |
Tit |
Titus |
Jn |
John |
Philem |
Philemon |
Acts |
Acts of the Apostles |
Heb |
Hebrews |
Rom |
Romans |
Jas |
James |
1 Cor |
1 Corinthians |
1 Pet |
1 Peter |
2 Cor |
2 Corinthians |
2 Pet |
2 Peter |
Gal |
Galatians |
1 Jn |
1 John |
Eph |
Ephesians |
2 Jn |
2 John |
Phil |
Philippians |
3 Jn |
3 John |
Col |
Colossians |
Jude |
Jude |
1 Thess |
1 Thessalonians |
Rev |
Revelation (Apocalypse) |
2 Thess |
2 Thessalonians |
Acts 12,1-10
Acts 12,3
Acts 12,3.10
Lk 11,1-10; Jo 1,1-7
Ex 1,1–2,25
(The "f" is not used to indicate the following verses, the entire quotation must be placed, with initial and final numbering. Do not use “cf.” for the indication of “confirm”, in this case, just use the biblical quotation).
Bibliographical references:
CÓDIGO de Direito Canônico. São Paulo: Loyola, 2001.
Bibliographical notes:
CIC, Can. 6, §2.
Bibliographical references:
CATECISMO DA IGREJA CATÓLICA. Petrópolis: Vozes; São Paulo: Paulinas: Loyola, 1993.
Bibliographical notes:
CEC 215.
Bibliographical references:
CNBB. Comunidade de comunidades: uma nova paróquia. Brasília: Edições CNBB, 2014. (Doc. 100).
Bibliographical notes:
CNBB, Doc. 100, 5.
Bibliographical references:
COMISIÓN TEOLÓGICA INTERNACIONAL. Documentos 1969-1996: Veinticinco años de servicio a la teología de la Iglesia. Madrid: BAC, 1998. (Biblioteca de Autores cristianos, 587).
Bibliographical notes:
CTI, Veinticinco años de servicio a la teología de la Iglesia, 5.
Bibliographical references:
DENZINGER, H. Compêndio dos símbolos, definições e declarações de fé e moral. Traduzido com base na 40ª edição alemã (2005), aos cuidados de Peter Hünermann. São Paulo: Paulinas; Loyola, 2007.
Bibliographical notes:
DH 3414.
Bibliographical references:
FRANCISCO, PP. Exortação Apostólica Evangelii Gaudium sobre o anúncio do Evangelho no mundo atual. Brasília: Edições CNBB, 2013.
Bibliographical notes:
EG 14.
Bibliographical references:
JUSTINO de Roma. I e II Apologias; Diálogo com Trifão. São Paulo: Paulus, 1995.
Bibliographical notes:
JUSTINO de Roma, Diál. 10, 2.
Bibliographical references:
AGOSTINO. Perfezione della giustizia dell’uomo. Roma: Editrice Città Nuova, 1987. (Opera Omnia, XVII/1).
Bibliographical notes:
AGOSTINO, De perf. iust. 11,23.
Bibliographical references:
TOMÁS de Aquino. Suma Teológica: a fé, a esperança, a caridade, a prudência: II seção da II parte, questões 1-56. São Paulo: Loyola, 2004. v. 5.
Bibliographical notes:
ST II, II, q. 1-56.
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