Vol. 4 No. 8 (2023): A Interpretação da Bíblia na Igreja (PCB): 30 anos depois

					View Vol. 4 No. 8 (2023): A Interpretação da Bíblia na Igreja (PCB): 30 anos depois

The second volume of ReBiblica for the year 2023 has as its theme the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission “The interpretation of the Bible in the Church” (11/18/1993). Thirty years after the text's promulgation, several scholars have accepted the challenge of reflecting on its positive points, advances and limitations. Historically, the document celebrates the centenary of Providentissimus Deus, by Leo XIII, and the fiftieth anniversary of Divino afflante Spiritu, by Pius XII, documents that greatly contributed to encouraging biblical research in the Catholic sphere.
Therefore, the first collaboration is offered by Prof. Cássio Murilo Dias da Silva with his article “Who is afraid of the historical-critical method?”. Next, the prof. Cláudio Buss reflects on “Pragmalinguistics: an approach in the service of biblical exegesis”. The Prof. Solange Maria Carmo writes the article “From the sacristy and the secretariat to the Academy”, about the feminist reading of the Bible. Prof. Carlos André Leandro reflects on “The persistent fundamentalist reading of the Bible”. Regarding questions of hermeneutics, Profs. Carlos Frederico Silveira and Thiago Cabreiro write about “The literal meaning in the interpretation of the Scriptures according to Saint Thomas Aquinas”. Finally, within the characteristic dimensions of Catholic interpretation, Prof. Wagner Moraes dos Santos proposes the text entitled “Exegesis and moral theology: the problem of the three precepts”.
In the miscellaneous articles section, we also have the contribution of Prof. Leonardo Agostini Fernandes and Marcela Machado Vianna Torres with the article “The law on the fringe and its function in Nm 15,37-41”. The Prof. Matthias Grenzer writes about “Unleavened as exodal ecotheology”. The Prof. Armando Rafael Acquarolli writes about “The face of God in the Epistle of Jeremiah: essay on a negative theology in Bar 6”. Finally, the profs. Fabrizio Catenassi and Vicente Artuso reflect on the “Contributions of textual criticism in Num 13–14 and Num 16”.
We also have a review of the book by RAMÓN RUIZ, Eleuterio. The book of the Ecclesiastes: Commentary and reading proposals, made by Prof. Cássio Murilo Dias da Silva.
We have the deepest conviction that this new volume of ReBiblica will greatly contribute to biblical research, even for those who do not profess the Catholic faith, since the themes are of general interest and go beyond confessional limits. We wish you all a good reading.

Prof. Dr. Heitor Carlos Santos Utrini
Editor Gerente

Published: 2024-02-06



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